“That on 9 September 36 Elizabeth [1594] Cecily Sandes widow, being seized of a free tenement for term of her life in a capital messuage, etc., in Woodham Ferrers was there with Miles Sandes esq., her son, and John Gawber gentleman and divers other persons, her servants, when Walter Hesmes, George Clarke, Henry Foreste and William Noble, all of Woodham Ferrers yeomen, Richard Sherrington barber, Samuel Reynoldes shoemaker, Nicholas Wattes barber, Simon Moore shoemaker, John Meadowes shoemaker, Thomas Lucas yeoman, all of Brentwood, William Sheppy, William Lycorys, Christopher Glascock and Henry Barker, all of High Ongar yeomen, with many other by the procuration of Roger Gittins of Woodham Ferrers, armed with cudgels, swords, "corslettes", etc., "gunnes" charges with "shott and powder" to the great terror of the Queen's subjects, there at 12 at night broke into the said tenement and broke the doors and windows with axes and assaulted the inhabitatants and wounded John Gawber, Roger Tue, Nathaniel Moncke and William Marshe. And that the aforesaid Roger Gittins on 8 September had incited them to this, with the intention of killing the said Cecily.”