“Merciful Father! Great Omnipotent! For Jesus' sake, Thy well-beloved Son, Hear the last cry of one in misery, Oh ! shorten—mitigate the pains I feel! Oh ! take me to thine everlasting arms, Sweet Jesus—my soul's repose. Mark this rude stone where Taylor dauntless stood, where zeal infuriate drank the Martyr's blood; Hadleigh! that day how many a tearful eye. Saw thy loved Pastor dragg'd a victim by; Still scattering gifts and blessings as he past, To the blind pair his farewell alms he cast; His clinging flock e'en here around him pray'd 'As thou hast aided us be God thine aid.' Nor taunts, nor bribe of mitred rank, nor stake, nor blows nor flames his heart of firmness shake. Serene -- his folded hands, his upward eyes, Like holy Stephen's, seek the opening skies; There fix'd in rapture, his prophetic sight Views Truth dawn clear on England's bigot night. Triumphant Saint! he bow'd and kissed the rod, and soar'd on Seraph wing to meet his God.”